World Cancer Day 2023: 4th February is marked as international cancer day. Know the History, Detection, Awareness and also prevention of cancer.

International cancer day, aims to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. It is led by the Union for International Cancer Control.
The top cancers that affect the Indian population are lung, breast, cervical, head and neck and colorectal cancer (CRC).
World Cancer Day 2023: Significance
Every year, approximately 7 lakh new cancer cases are detected by the healthcare providers.
The main aim of the day is to raise awareness and reduce the social stigma associated with the disease. On World Cancer Day, everyone comes together with an agenda to achieve a healthier and brighter world free of patient.
On this day, numerous events are planned, where it is discussed to aware people of cancer and its early detection, treatment and more.
“Hope is living with courage and confidence, not fear.” — Penny Boldrey, cancer survivor.
“Don’t give up. Every day is worth it.” — Hashmat Effendi, cancer survivor
“Cancer doesn’t have to define you.” — Nelda Blair, cancer survivor