T Mobile – United States based tech company located at Bellevue, Washington.

TMobile was founed in 1994 as VoiceStream Wireless. Later Deutsche Telekom purchased & it get renamed it to TMobile in 2001. It provides wireless voice and data services in the United States. It also gives the host network for many mobile virtual network operators.
TMobile US is the second-largest wireless carrier in the United States. It has more than 110 million subscribers till date. The company has annual revenues of over $40 billion.
Things You Should Know About T Mobile
- TMobile Will Help You Pay Off Your Old Phone
- You can get Taco Bell and Burger King discounts on Tuesday
- Largest 5G Coverage, But Not the Fastest
- It gives 50GB Guaranteed High-Speed Data
- TMobile offers free Netflix subscriptions to its customers
- TMobile offers discounted plans for first responders, military personnel (and immediate family members), and senior citizens.