NTPC started India’s first green hydrogen blending project

NTPC India's first green hydrogen blending project
India’s first green hydrogen blending project (Image source : NTPC)

NTPC India Green Hydrogen Blending Project: NTPC started India’s first Hydrogen Blending Project. The project is a joint venture between National Thermal Power Corporation Limited and Gujarat Gas Limited.

Which is the first project of its kind in India. Which has started with green hydrogen blending in NTPC’s Piped Natural Gas (PNG) network at Kawas Township, Surat.

After the launch of the Green Hydrogen Blending Project, an awareness workshop was also organizes for the residents of Kawas Township. The purpose of which is to make people aware about this hydrogen blending project from the point of view of security.

What is NTPC Green Hydrogen?

Green hydrogen is defined as hydrogen produced by splitting H2O into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable energy sources. Green hydrogen is hydrogen produced from renewable energy or low-carbon power. It is very different from both gray and blue.

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Benefits of Green Hydrogen Blending

  • It reduces CO2 emissions while maintaining the same net heating content
  • Helps to fight against climate change
  • Helps India reduce its hydrocarbon import bill
  • It can also improve energy security by reducing the country’s reliance on imported fossil fuels.