Halloween Candy Sweet Facts : Halloween candy consumption in the US

Halloween Candy Fun Facts: Hallowe’en coming, Many Americans are going shopping for the holiday, buying Hallowe’en costumes, decoration of homes based on haunted themes, and most importantly, purchasing lots of Hallowe’en candy.

Halloween Candy Sweet Facts (Source: Pexels, Photo by Karolina Grabowska)
Hallowe’en Candy Sweet Facts (Source: Pexels, Photo by Karolina Grabowska)

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Halloween is coming. This year Americans are predicted to spend nearly $2.6 billion on only candy according to reports from the Internet. Near about 160 million Americans will buy candy for Hallowe’en this year.

Most popular Halloween Candy of 2022

According to the website RetailMeNot.com following are the candies and its popularity

  • Reese’s cups – 22 percent
  • Kit Kat – 15 percent
  • Snickers – 14 percent
  • Hershey’s – 12 percent
  • M&M’s – 10 percent
  • Candy corn – 8 percent
  • Skittles – 5 percent
  • Starburst – 5 percent
  • Twizzlers – 4 percent

According to reports, that kids can consume up to three cups of sugar eating Hallowe’en candy. Americans are predicted to spend $2.6 billion on Halloween candy, $3.2 billion on costumes and $2.7 billion on decorations.