Our world is full of fascinating contrasts, facts and reality, so it isn’t surprising that the 195 countries have an endless amount of curious facts that we may not know. We’ll reveal just a few of these with the following fun facts about this world.
Fact 1: Snake-less Country of the World 😲
Snakes are found in almost every country in the world, but there are a few places without wild snakes. Snake-free land generally falls into two categories: remote islands, mostly formed by volcanism or as atolls, that have never been part of a continental land mass and/or have been isolated from continents for a long time, and continental areas that are or were covered by ice within the last 26,000 years.

Fact: The small island nation of New Zealand in the southern hemisphere which has no native snakes in its land territory. It is a snake free nation. New Zealand has declared itself snake free and do not even have them in zoos for exhibition.
Fact 2: No 🚫🦟 Mosquito Country in World
Mosquitoes are present all over in the world. There are over 2500 species of mosquitoes found around the world. They love a wet humid environment and hence are found less and less in the Arctic or Antarctic region.

Plenty of scientists and researchers have studies the temperature of Iceland and its effect on keeping the mosquitoes at bay. Mosquitoes can breed in a variety of environments including cold climatic conditions, like the one in Antarctica, they have problems in Iceland.
Fact 3: Which country has no Ants?
Ants are found almost everywhere on the planet. Ants are most closely related to bees and wasps, which all have a narrow waist that segments their body. The body is separated into three parts—the head, thorax, and gaster. There are more than 12,000 species of ant, most of which are black, brown, or red in color.

Ants are quite the travelers. They are found nearly everywhere on Earth, with the exception of Antarctica and the Arctic (there are also a few islands that seem to be free of ants).
Fact 4: One and only one country which has no Capital…
In this world there are 195 Countries and they have its own Capital i.e. Delhi is the Capital of India